Monday, February 13, 2012

12athon Run Report for February 12, 2012

The Distance so Nice I Ran it Twice

Being that this month's 12athon date landed on a Sunday, I had grand plans for incorporating a bunch of bonus challenges. But, then my training plan's long run landed on the 12th, too. And, then it got really cold outside.

So, before heading out for my run, I accepted the fact that planning for bonus challenges, in addition to faking my way through a long run in frigid winds, would be overly ambitious for me. The run was frustratingly slow in spite of my peanut butter M&Ms serving as fuel.

I chose to complete my run on the Crabtree Creek Greenway with a spur to Shelley Lake thrown in. It was a nice tour through Raleigh. And, I'll probably write more about that greenway in another post.

By chance, the sun went down while I was roughly four miles from the end. So, that garnered bonus points for the Sunset Challenge. And, it so happened that I decided to wear my zer-drop Bare-X Lite 150s on this run, which meant I could claim points for the Naturalist challenge, too.

Here's the photographic evidence:

02122012 route
The Route for the Run: 24.96 miles through the backyards of Raleigh
The Sunset
From the Crabtree Creek Boardwalk


  1. 25 miles?! That's a great long run dude! Finishing Umstead obviously won't be an issue. Now about that expected finishing time... I predict 3:45.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Scott. But, I was really feeling nauseous after that run. And, it took just under 4 hours for me to complete those 24.96 miles. So, I'd be surprised if I finish Umstead in less than 4 hours.

    2. Training run pace versus race pace and race day adrenaline will carry you easily into the sub-4 range at Umstead. I'll wave and cheer as you pass by me on Turkey Creek.



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