Injuries suck! You know it, and I know it. And, while we do our best to learn from our running injuries, we can't help but fall victim to some basic, sometimes irrational behavior while coping with not running.
The first stage of injury is denial.
Friends want to help. But, you push them away.
When reality sets in, you get sad...
...And moody.
And, you resent other runners that you see while driving.
But, you make up for begrudging strangers by emphatically encouraging your runner friends.
You seek medical advice but don't really like what you are told.
You still have your runner's appetite.
But, food makes you have different feelings now.
The fear of losing fitness is getting the best of you.
So, you try other forms of exercise—low-impact, of course.
Attempting to focus on upper body strength proves disheartening.
And, you have an unreasonable urge to shop for more shoes.
Ultimately, you resign yourself to waiting, just waiting...
Thanks for reading!
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